Gemini’s Playground: A Journey into Curiosity and Communication

Gemini season, typically from May 21 to June 20, is marked by curiosity, communication, and embracing dualities. Ruled by Mercury, it encourages intellectual exploration, effective communication, adaptability, and playfulness. Embracing change and finding joy in the unexpected are key themes, fostering personal growth and connection.

Yoga Flow: The Sun

Summary: The Moon card represents internal instincts and fears. Trust your gut feeling and listen to warning signs. The yoga flow aims to calm anxieties and fears, with poses like Easy Seat and Corpse. The practice connects to the symbolism of the moon, offering relaxation and introspection. Share your thoughts on The Moon card.

Yoga Flow: The Moon

Summary: The Moon card represents internal instincts and fears. Trust your gut feeling and listen to warning signs. The yoga flow aims to calm anxieties and fears, with poses like Easy Seat and Corpse. The practice connects to the symbolism of the moon, offering relaxation and introspection. Share your thoughts on The Moon card.

Horoscopes: New Moon in Taurus

The New Moon in Taurus brings tranquil, grounding energy, prompting intentions related to material comfort, self-worth, and enduring values. Ruled by Venus, Taurus encourages sensuality, appreciation of life's pleasures, and patience. This event invites us to slow down, indulge our senses, and build a solid foundation for the future. (Word count: 50)

Yoga Flow: The Star

After facing unexpected challenges and hitting rock bottom, the Fool finds hope in Card 17: The Star. The symbolism of the woman and stars represents core beliefs and nurturing, offering a chance at life after tragedy. The accompanying yoga flow aims to uplift and cultivate strength, promoting a sense of renewal and empowerment.

Astrology for the Month Ahead: May 2024

We're back with another Astrocast, coven! Let's take our cosmic dive into the astrology for the coming month! The Underworld Gets Funky We don't normally discuss Pluto here but this transit is going to be really gorgeous in my opinion. On May 2nd, at 1:47 pm EST Pluto, our planet of the underworld, transformation, secrets… Continue reading Astrology for the Month Ahead: May 2024

Maypole Spirals and Firelit Circles: Navigating the Cross Quarter Sabbath of Beltane

Beltane, a pagan celebration on May 1st, marks the arrival of warmer months with fertility and abundance rituals. Historical roots trace back to Celtic traditions with bonfires and the Maypole dance. It's a time for magickal practices like love spells and manifestation, and it symbolizes the harmonious balance of nature.